The Hansens

The Hansens

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Growing up too fast!

Korie Paige is now 16 months old.  Can you believe it?!  I know I say this all the time, but wow, time is flying by so fast!  I still call her "Baby Korie" but she is such a big girl.  She runs (literally runs, and it's hilarious!) all over the house, walks up and down the stairs, climbs up onto the couch, and she wants to be so independent!  She loves playing outside, going for runs with Mommy, riding in her new car, and on her motorcycle.  She also loves her mega blocks (big legos), reading books, and dancing to music.  She is talking a lot more too.  I taught her some sign language a couple of months back, but almost everything I taught her, she is now able to say.  Her vocabulary includes: mama, dada, papa, night night, bye, hi, all done, more, car, truck, ball, up, milk, nana (as in banana), eat, and so many more I can't think of right now.  She also knows almost all her animal sounds, and knows all her body parts.  She has even started letting us know when she pees and poops and wants her diaper changed.  So, looks like potty training may be starting soon at the Hansen house...wish us luck!  Here are a few pictures of our big girl from the last month.

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