The Hansens

The Hansens

Friday, January 25, 2013

Big News

Korie has a big announcement to make: she's going to be a big sister! Baby Hansen #2 is due to arrive July 31st! I am over 13 weeks, and so far, everything looks great! Please pray that it continues that way, and that we will welcome a healthy baby to our family at the end of July!!!

Saturday, January 19, 2013

"No Man"

After a big snowstorm, Korie and Daddy made her first snowman together on a semi-warm day!  Or, as Korie calls it, her "no man."  It was Korie's first time playing outside in the snow, wearing her snow pants and snow boots, and she wasn't real sure what think of walking in the snow, but otherwise seemed to enjoy it.  (Unfortunately, Mommy was at work and missed it.)  Korie would love to look out the window and check on her snow man all the time.  We've been fortunate enough to have some warm days lately (upper 40s to 50), and slowly but surely, the "no man" is disappearing.  As you can tell by the last picture, Korie has been very concerned about this.  As of yesterday, he is completely gone.  :(  I'm sure we'll have more snow before winter is over, and Korie can build a brand new no man!

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Big girl off to surgery

Last week, Korie had surgery to get ear tubes due to her frequent ear infections.  Our sweet baby girl was such a trooper!  Thankfully, it was a very quick procedure (from the time they wheeled her off to surgery to the time she came back to us after recovery was a total of 40 minutes) and it was successful!  Our big girl didn't even cry when they wheeled her away from us...neither did Mommy!  :)  She was a little cranky and tired afterwards, but having McDonald's for lunch cheered her up pretty quickly.  It sure is different being on the "other side" of healthcare, but we had a great experience.  Our little girl is growing up so fast!