The Hansens

The Hansens

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

4 More Weeks...or less!

36 weeks! That means 4 weeks to go...or does it?! I had my 36 week appointment today, which includes the first "cervix check"...boy are those fun! I am happy to report that we have made some progress already. I am currently dilated 1 cm and 70% effaced, which I'm told is pretty good for a first time Mom! My doctor said, as thin as my cervix is, I will probably go early, and my labor could be fast! That would be nice; I've been hoping that since I've been so sick through most of my pregnancy that God would even it out for me and let me have a halfway decent labor! Another piece of good news: Baby Girl doesn't seem to be huge! While she is growing, she is measuring 1 week behind...glad to know she isn't bigger than she should be! I may look and feel huge, but apparently I'm not, which is nice to know. So, to sum it up, it could be any day now, or it could be several more weeks! I guess that's up to God and BGH! ;) Good thing we have the room we just need to prepare mentally! Here are a few pictures of the 36 week belly and Baby Girl's room!