The Hansens

The Hansens

Tuesday, July 30, 2013

He's here!!!

He's finally here! Brady David Hansen arrived on July 26th at 5:56 pm. He weighed in at a whopping 10 lb 3 oz, and was 22 1/4 in long! We were expecting a big baby, but I think we were all shocked he was THAT big. He has a little bit of blondish peach fuzz, and squishy chubby face...he is perfect! Not sure who he looks like yet; most people think he looks like a Putnam. At times I think he looks like Korie, but other times I'm not so sure. Labor was pretty fast (about 5 hrs), and surprisingly, delivery was pretty easy; 10 min of pushing and out he came. Thank god for epidurals!

At birth, Brady's blood sugar was low, which is not uncommon in large babies, so it was checked often. He continued to be low all night, despite giving him formula after breastfeeding. So the next morning, he was admitted to NICU. That was very hard on this mama! They drew blood work and started an IV to give him dextrose (sugar water), along with IV antibiotics as a precaution. We were still able to visit and hold him, and I could still breastfeed him, but we had to supplement with formula. It was not to have him with us and be able to hold him whenever we wanted! But slowly, his blood sugars improved, and they weaned down the IV fluids, and eventually turned them off. I was discharged after two days, but Brady had to stay in the NICU for at least 48 hrs as a precaution. They were nice enough to move him to a private room so I could spend the 3rd night with him and be able to feed him. Thankfully, all his blood work came back normal and his blood sugars stabilized, and Brady was discharged home yesterday! We are so grateful he is healthy and home with us!

So far things are going pretty well. Korie seems to like him so far and has been a good big sister...most of the time!  :) Our first night home last night was a little one (except Korie) got much sleep, but that's to be expected. Brady is such a sweet little cuddle bug and wants to be held constantly! We have his first appointment with his pediatrician tomorrow, so hoping everything still  looks good. We are so happy to be home as a family of four!!! Oh, and by the way, we bought a house, and we move in in September...more on that later!  :)

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